Greetings from the Shrine of Our Lady in Knock, Co Mayo, Ireland
I began this first attempt at a blog and website on March 19th the Feast of St Joseph and today I am publishing my first blog post.
True Devotions is a Catholic Apostolate which aims to promote the traditional Catholic devotions beginning with the Sacred Heart, Our Lady Help of Christians and St Thérèse of Lisieux. I hope to develop a page which will concentrate on particular devotions in the near future.
We also have a Shop on the Main Street in Knock, just across the road from the parish Church of St John the Baptist. The shop specialises in printing classic Sacred Art and mounting these prints in Frames. The idea here is to help to restore beauty to Catholic homes and to help Catholics and others to realise the enormous treasures and beautiful heritage of the Catholic Church. The pictures are reasonably priced and in due course will be available on this website for delivery anywhere in Ireland please God.
I also write articles on Marriage for an Irish fortnightly paper called “The Catholic Voice”. These articles trace and outline the history of marriage as understood by the Catholic Church through scripture and the magisterium. I also take a look at the reasons why marriage is in decline in the western world and in Ireland in particular. It is hoped to offer some solutions for the re-building of the culture in these articles.
The articles will also appear in the blog beginning with those that were published last year.
I have decided not to go with comments for the time being however please feel free to e-mail me with any comments you may have and I will do my best to respond.
I would ask for your prayers for the success of this venture.
Many thanks & God bless you
John Lacken