Our Lady of Banada Prayer Association

Our Lady of Banada Prayer Association is an informal association of Catholics where Catholic members unite in prayer for the conversion of those in our families who have abandoned the practice of the Catholic Faith and for the conversion of those who have never embraced the Catholic Faith.
In these times of great apostasy and confusion our prayers are needed more than ever for the lost sheep within our own and other Catholic families. It is important that Catholic families pray for each other.
If you would like to become a member of Our Lady of Banada Prayer Association, please complete the form below. Certain fields are mandatory so that we can communicate with you. Members receive an A4 image of the statue of Our Lady of Banada, a leaflet about the association with the story of the conversion of Freddie Jones, and a little prayer card with Our Lady of Banada and the Memorare. The only requirement for membership is a commitment to pray one Memorare per day before the image of Our Lady of Banada for the conversion of those in our families who have left the faith or who have never embraced the Catholic faith.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is offered monthly for the intentions of Our Lady of Banada Prayer Association and for ‘Legio Sanctae Familiae’ – The Legion of the Holy Family
We are also happy to accept donations for ‘Legio Sanctae Familiae’ – The Legion of the Holy Family. Our Lady of Banada Prayer Association is a project of ‘Legio Sanctae Familiae.
I would like to join Our Lady of Banada Prayer Association my details are as follows.