Why are our young people delaying marriage?


The Traditional Catholic Family, broadcast on Radio Maria Ireland on Friday 5th August is now available to listen to online. Go In By The Narrow Gate! You can listen to the show HERE You can read a transcript HERE This show continues to examine why it is that in Ireland our young people are no longer getting married. According to the latest statistics from 2014, the average age for women getting married in Ireland is 33 and for men it … Read More

The Traditional Catholic Family – On Radio Maria Ireland


I have recently been offered a half hour programme on Radio Maria Ireland.  it goes out on Friday afternoons from about 4.00pm to 4.30pm.  The programme is called ‘The Traditional Catholic Family’ and I am presenting a Catechesis on Marriage and Family as traditionally understood by the Church. You can access these talks through the Legio Sanctae Familiae link, there are three of them uploaded as of today. May God bless you John