I am leaving today for the Rome Life Forum conference, organised by Voice of the Family
The programme is as follows
8.00 Holy Mass (St Peter’s Basilica, altar of St Pius X)
8.45 Registration and coffee at Hotel Columbus
9.30 Introduction
9.45 Prof. Roberto de Mattei (Lepanto Foundation) – The Current Crisis in the Context of Church History
10.45 Matthew McCusker (Voice of the Family) – Aftermath of the Synod on the Family: The Apostolic Exhortation
11.40 Coffee break
12.00 John-Henry Westen (LifeSiteNews) – Gender Ideology and Other Dogmas of the New Global Order
14.30 Prof. Thomas Stark – (Benedict XVI Academy of Philosophy and Theology; University of St. Pölten)
The Worldwide Cultural Revolution and Its Impact on the Family
15.30 Slawomir Olejniczak (Father Peter Skarga Institute) – Lay Political Engagement: An Example from Poland
16.20 His Excellency Bishop Athanasius Schneider (Auxiliary Bishop of Astana, Kazakhstan)
Catholic Faith and Confession of Truth
8.00 Holy Mass (St Peter’s Basilica)
9.30 His Excellency Bishop Hlib Lonchyna (Ukrainian Catholic Eparch of Great Britain)
Holiness in Marriage Incarnated in Life Stories
10.30 Dr. Anca Maria Cernea (Association of Catholic Doctors of Bucharest)
Cultural Marxism: A Threat to the Family
11.40 Fr. Shenan Boquet (Human Life International) “Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life” (John 6:68)
12.40 Colleen Bayer (Family Life International)
15.00 John Smeaton (Society for the Protection of Unborn Children) – Building a Catholic Resistance Movement
16.00 His Eminence Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke – Martyrdom for the Faith in Our Time
20.00 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with His Eminence Cardinal Burke
(Church of St. Santa Maria Sopra Minerva)
Each talk will be followed by a Q&A session chaired by John Smeaton
9.30 March for Life
12.00 Angelus at St Peter’s square