Eight Day: Descent of the Holy Ghost upon Jesus at the Jordan
Hymn: – Veni Creator –
Let us prostrate ourselves before the majesty of the most Holy Trinity, and uniting our dispositions with those of our blessed Lady and the holy apostles in the upper room at Jerusalem, let us say one Our Father and one Hail Mary, to obtain, by the merits of Jesus ascended, the fruits of the Holy Ghost – continence and chastity
Our Father… Hail Mary…
Most adorable Trinity, we venture with all humility and awe to approach the lofty throne of your exalted majesty; with our heads prostrated in the dust we adore you, and give you endless thanks for the immense blessings which you have bestowed on us miserable men. We thank Thee, O eternal Father, and Thee, O divine Son, for the gift which you have given us of the Holy ghost; for in giving us this Love Who proceedeth from you, you have given us your own selves. We thank Thee, O Holy Ghost, Who art at once the gift and the giver of all gifts, and we most earnestly beseech Thee to give us thyself. No other gift but Thine own self can satisfy our souls, and having Thee alone we shall have all things. But what can we give Thee in exchange for so great benefits? O blessed Spirit, vouchsafe of Thy mercy to accept for all eternity all our thoughts, all our affections, and all ourselves. Amen.
O let us fall and worship Him,
The love of Sire and Son,
The consubstantial breath of God,
The co-eternal One!
Ah! see, how like the Incarnate Word,
His blessed self He lowers
To dwell with us invisibly,
And make His riches ours,
Most loving Spirit! Mighty God!
Sweet must Thy presence be,
If loss of Jesus can be gain,
So long as we have Thee!
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Thy faithful, and kindle in them the fire of Thy love.
V. Send forth Thy spirit, and they shall be created.
R. And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth.
Grant we beseech Thee, O Lord, that we may burn with that fire of the Holy Ghost which He desired to be vehemently enkindled; through Our Lord Jesus Christ. In the unity of the same. Amen
May the blessing of almighty God, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, descend upon us now, and abide with us always. Amen