This show was broadcast on Radio Maria Ireland on Friday 12th August 2016
You can get a transcript HERE
You can listen to the show HERE
This show looks at some of Pope Pius XII’s writings shortly after the Second World War. Many millions of men were killed in battle during the war which left many widows and a shortage of men in European societies. The Pope is looking at the role of women. What he says, may make some women uncomfortable. It may even make some men uncomfortable.
He exalts motherhood, the family, the woman as homemaker and he highlights the role of women’s groups which is “to protect the dignity of the daughter, of the wife, of the mother; to preserve the home, the family, the child in their primordial order; to safeguard the rights of the family, and make all efforts bear toward the safekeeping of the child under the guardianship of his parents.”
The Pope also criticizes Godless societies saying “Therefore systems which banish God and His law from social relations, and allow to the precepts of religion at best a humble place in a man’s private life, are in no position to consider the problem of woman from the right standpoint.”
He says that when women neglect their duties in the home, their daughters will have no inclination to marriage and family life.
“In addition to these unhappy consequences, the mother’s absence from the home has another and more lamentable result: it affects the children’s education, especially the girl’s training and preparation for real life. Accustomed to her mother being always absent from home and to seeing the home itself so dismal in its neglected condition, she will not be able to find anything attractive in it; nor will she feel the slightest inclination for the austerities of housework, any appreciation of its dignity and beauty, any desire to devote herself to it one day as wife and mother.”
There’s more in the transcript and you can also listen to show from the links above.
Our young men and women need to hear this message today. Pass it on.
God bless