I live in Ireland, close to the Catholic Shrine of Knock, where Our Lady appeared with St Joseph, St John the Evangelist and the Lamb of God on August 21st 1879.
I am married to Naomi and we are blessed with eight children, six boys and two girls.
In my late teenage years I fell away from the practice of my Catholic faith but, thank God, I came back to my faith about two years before I got married.
I write a fortnightly article on Catholic Marriage for ‘The Catholic Voice’, an Irish paper devoted to all things Catholic and Traditional.
True Devotions came about as a result of living in Knock. I am not sure if the same is true at all Marian Shrines, but in Knock, many visitors will talk to you favourably about dubious and condemned ‘devotions’ on a regular basis. There is even a little shop set up near the shrine which promotes a so-called visionary whose messages have been condemned by her bishop as not being supernatural in origin. What to do?
Being familiar with the Spiritual exercises of St Ignatius, I was thinking one day about vice and virtue. It is often the case, that in order to rid oneself of a particular vice one concentrates on promoting the corresponding virtue instead. With this thought in mind I realised that the best way to counteract false devotions was to promote the True Devotions of the Church. and thus was born this website with an obvious play on St Louis de Montfort’s great spiritual treatise ‘True Devotion’.
The mission of this apostolate is entrusted to several patrons chief of whom is the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ
Other Patrons include, Our Lady, St Joseph and of course St Thérèse of Lisieux
I would appreciate your prayers for the success of this venture.
May God bless you abundantly in His most Sacred Heart
John Lacken
If you would like to send me a Message please go here